AoB/Cir 06 2024

Dear Clergy, Religious and Laity of the Archdiocese of Bulawayo.

Advent 2024:

Advent is a time of intense hope in the Saviour who comes to live among His people. The theme for the jubilee year 2025 as declared by Pope Francis is "Hope Does not Disappoint" (Rom 5:5). Therefore starting from the Advent let us try to build that hope in the Lord more seriously. We need renewed hope in our personal lives, in our families, in our parishes and in the communities where we live.

The most common Advent themes are Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love for each week. Some traditions include lighting a different candle on a wreath each Sunday of Advent and reflecting a different theme. In order for us to make this Advent as meaningful as possible each parish could have a symbol placed in the front that represent hope.

Additionally we could have a massive clean up campaign in and around the parishes. A day for the elderly, differently abled and sick people could be organised to bring some hope to those hearts.

May the Lord of all Hope open our hearts to receive Him well during this season of Advent.

2. Opening of the Jubilee Year 2025:

The Zimbabwe Catholic Bishop's Conference (ZCBC) has decided that the opening of the Jubilee year will be done simultaneously in all dioceses on 4 January 2025. The detailed programme of the day will be made known to you in due course of the time.

May I encourage all to read the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of the Year 2025 by Pope Francis as it is called Hope Does not Disappoint.

3. Congratulations:

Mr. Blessing Marwa, the Chairperson of our Archdiocesan Pastoral Team was elected to be the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Council of the Catholic Laity (ZCCL). We wish him many blessings.

I wish you all many blessings and prayers during the season of Advent.

+ Alex Thomas
Archbishop of Bulawayo

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