AoB/Cir 02 2024

Dear Clergy, Religious and Lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Bulawayo,

As we enter the sacred season of Holy Week, we are invited to journey alongside our Lord Jesus Christ, reflecting on His passion, death, and glorious resurrection. Let us open our hearts to the profound mysteries that unfold during this week, drawing closer to the heart of our faith. During this week let us keep in mind our co responsibility as Catholics in spiritual, pastoral, moral and material matters and do everything accordingly.

1. Palm Sunday: Triumphal Entry and Humble Sacrifice

On Palm Sunday, we commemorate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The crowds welcomed Him with shouts of "Hosanna!" as He rode on a borrowed donkey, fulfilling ancient prophecies. Little did they know that this same Jesus would soon lay down His life for our salvation. Let us reflect on the humility and humble life style of Jesus and imitate Him.

2. Chrism Mass:

The Chrism Mass is a very significant liturgical celebration in the Catholic Church. This tradition began in the early 3rd century.
Chrism Mass symbolises the unity of the local Church. It strengthens ties within a diocese, uniting all parishes under the guidance of its local bishop. As much as possible all are encouraged to participate in this liturgy, experiencing the unity and beauty of the local Church.
During the Chrism Mass, the Archbishop, joined by every priest in the Archdiocese blesses the holy oils that will be used in the sacraments throughout the year.
Oil of the Catechumens: Used in pre baptismal rites, it signifies strength and preparation for those about to receive the sacrament of Baptism.
Oil of the Sick: Used in the anointing of the sick persons, it represents healing and comfort for the infirm.
Oil of Sacred Chrism: This oil is consecrated and is used in Confirmation, Ordination and dedication of Churches and Altars. It symbolizes the gift of the Holy Spirit and the sealing of the baptised.

3. Holy Thursday: The Last Supper and the Gift of the Eucharist

During the Last Supper, Jesus shared a final meal with His disciples. He took bread, blessed it, and said, "This is my body." Then He took the cup of wine, saying, "This is my blood." In these simple elements, Jesus instituted the Eucharist — a profound gift that continues to nourish our souls. As we celebrate the Mass, let us remember His sacrificial love and the call to serve one another.

4. Good Friday: The Cross and Our Redemption

On Good Friday, we stand at the foot of the cross. Jesus, bruised and broken, willingly bore our sins upon Himself. His cry, "It is finished," echoes through time, signifying the completion of our redemption. As we venerate the cross, let us contemplate the depth of His love — the ultimate sacrifice that reconciled us to God. This is a day of fasting and abstinence.

5. Holy Saturday: Vigil of Hope and New Beginnings

Holy Saturday is a day of waiting and anticipation. In the silence of the tomb, we await the dawn of resurrection. The Easter Vigil, with its lighting of the Paschal candle and the proclamation of the Exsultet, reminds us that darkness of sin cannot extinguish the light of Christ. Let us kindle the flame of hope in our hearts, trusting that new life awaits us.

6. Easter Sunday: Resurrection and Joy

On Easter Sunday, we rejoice in the victory over sin and death. The empty tomb proclaims that Jesus is alive. His resurrection transforms our sorrow into joy, our despair into hope. As we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, let us encounter the risen Lord and share His message of love and salvation.

Reflection Questions:

1. How can we embrace humility in our daily lives, following Jesus' example on Palm Sunday?

2. What does the Eucharist mean to you? How can you deepen your appreciation for this sacrament?

3. How does the cross inspire you to love sacrificially and forgive others?

4. What new beginnings do you hope for during this Holy Week?

5. How will you carry the joy of Easter into your interactions with others?

May this Holy Week be a time of grace, transformation, and encounter with the living Christ. Let us walk together, hand in hand, towards the Risen Lord.

Wishing you all blessed and joyous Easter! 

+ Alex Thomas
Archbishop of Bulawayo

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