AoB/Cir/03 2022

Dear Priests, Deacons, Religious and the Faithful of the Archdiocese of Bulawayo

1. Easter 2022:

"If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God."
- Colossians 3:1 -

As human as we are we always seek things of the earth. By our baptism we are raised to a new life in Christ. Especially with the resurrection of Christ we are raised to a new of way life as Catholics. This newness of life must be visible in every aspect of our life especially in our personal life and in our families. We need to rise above the many evils that surround us and keep the light of our faith bright with good exemplary lives. Let us journey together with the Risen Christ.

Therefore I wish to thank you all for the spiritual exercises you undertook as individuals, families and as parishes to renew yourselves during the Lent. May the Lord continue to renew your life and keep you safe from every evil. I wish each of you many blessings of the Risen Christ.

2. Appointments:

2.1. Fr. Sony Xavier SVD as the priest in charge of Holy Family Parish, Nketa

2.2. Fr. Julius Katu SVD as the assistant priest at St. Theresa Mission, Plumtree.

2.3. Fr. Philimon Mlilo CMM as the Chaplain at Sacred Heart Home, Bushtick

3. FMDM @70:

This year Franciscan Missionaries of Divine Motherhood (FMDM) sisters celebrate 70 years of their service in Bulawayo. We congratulate them on this occasion and wish them many more years of service.

4. Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession:

Srs. Arnoldis Khumalo CPS, Michael Mary Dube CPS and Mary Antony Madanga CPS celebrate their golden jubilee of their religious life in the congregation of the Precious Blood Sisters. We thank God for their gifts and wish them many blessings.



+ Alex Thomas
Archbishop of Bulawayo

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